Working at Height? 4 Alternatives to Scaffolding

When it comes to accessing heights for extended periods of work off the ground, scaffolding is pretty much the standard solution. It's reliable, stable and, assuming it's put together professionally, a safe way to reach higher levels. But it's not the only choice. Since scaffolding takes time to erect, which needs to be done by a properly trained and certified scaffolding company, it's not always the most convenient option. In some situations, there isn't even the space to set up a scaffold, or it might be impossible for other reasons, leaving you stuck.

Not Just for Digging: Useful Excavator Attachments

An excavator is one of the most commonly used pieces of heavy construction equipment, regularly seen on sites everywhere. Because they make it such an easy task to dig holes and move earth, excavators are pretty essential. They're not always used to their full potential, though, which means people are really missing out on the efficiency front. The way to increase an excavator's capabilities is simple: attachments. You may have only seen them with the standard bucket attached, but there's a whole world of other possibilities out there to help you get the most out of your equipment.

Tower Of Power: Should You Choose An Electric Or Diesel Scissor Lift For Your Lifting Needs?

Scissor lifts are tremendously versatile pieces of equipment, providing safe and highly maneuverable access to elevated areas. However, if you are in the market for a new scissor lift, or are seeking to hire one for a job or project, you should make sure that the scissor lift you choose suits your needs -- a wide variety of different makes and models are available, each with their own individual characteristics.

Barnstorming: How Salvaging Can Defray The Costs Of Demolishing A Timber Barn

Salvaging operations are an integral part of many commercial and residential demolition operations, and the money raised by selling valuable salvage (such as metal piping and roof flashing) can be a great aid when it comes to balancing your demolition budget. If you are planning to demolish a barn on your farm or rural estate, however, you may assume that such simple, rustic buildings have little in the way of worthwhile salvage.

Five Tips to Consider If You Have Aging Upholstery on Your Truck Seats

Holes in the upholstery of your truck seats can look unattractive, and it can let the stuffing of the seat fall out, making driving uncomfortable. If you're wondering what to do about aging upholstery, there are a lot of options and a number of things you should consider. Take a look at these tips: 1. Patch the Holes If you have relatively small holes in your truck seat upholstery, you can simply patch them.